Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rise Above

Individuals with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or any other disability for that matter need others to encourage them to press on and rise above their limitations. The best thing one can do for a loved one that has suffered a TBI or has any other form of disability, is to never let them stay stuck where they are, but rather encourage them to aim higher. We at TBI Hope attempted to do so on September 23, 2011 by creating a special day called Survivor Day in which we gave 10 TBI Survivor's the platform to share their story of recovery and encourage others in similar situations to persevere and never give up!

There were many wonderful things said on Survivor Day by our featured guests that I would now like to share with you all:

Debbie Leonhardt a TBI Survivor and Licensed Counselor along with her client, also a TBI Survivor Stacey McKinney stated that a method that worked for them was to break down a large task into small manageable pieces and then complete them in order until the large task is complete. Debbie stated that, "It all comes down to quality of life and to live in the present-appreciate today." A line that Debbie shared that I will never forget is, " You are not just a Survivor and therefore that should not be your focus in life. You need to move from a Survivor mentality to Thriver and move to what you can fully be."

After Debbie and Stacey finished sharing, TBI Thriver Doreen Carson shared her story with Pat Benfield her Neurofeedback Provider and Clinician.  Doreen shared that the journey of healing comes from every direction and that determination is the key to recovery. Doreen pointed out, "we all need help with the new stuff so we can let go of the old stuff." Pat Benfield pointed out that a TBI can leave an individual emotionally stunted in different developmental areas for this reason Doreen's method of taking everything one step at a time is the way to go.

Pat Benfield also shared along with TBI Thriver Michael Dedmon who lost a son to an accident and then received a TBI from a different car accident himself. It was a pleasure seeing Michael share his heart and passion and how he feels the need to create a sense of awareness. Michael stated that for him what helped in his recovery was "accepting the new challenges and the change that came with them." Michael now has a foundation that bring awareness to helmet safety to protect others from receiving a TBI.

William Boggs really drove the point home during his time of sharing when he encouraged the audience to "always reach for another level in your recovery." William encouraged the audience through his recovery story to find their purpose after a TBI. William pointed out that acquiring a TBI does not take away your simply redefines it." After William shared, Anthony Zordano shared his Survivor story that occurred while he was still in high school. He encouraged others to also keep pressing on and to remember to laugh despite your circumstance.  Anthony shared his ups and downs on trying to get accepted into school or simply passing a class, but decided to never give up! Anthony is now working on his degree to become a Substance Abuse Counselor. Anthony stated, "This is your recovery process, take ownership of it."

Kirk Wilder inspired us all when he shared his story four words at a time. Kirk survived a stab wound to the head when he attempted to be a peacemaker at a frat party and went in to break up a fight. Many years later Kirk now attends a day program at Hinds Feet in Asheville and makes beautiful wooden bowls. He along with his Provider, the Day Program Director at Hinds Feet Erica Engelsman shared how in a split second life can change completely. Kirk truly was an inspiration to press on your limitations as he demonstrated a device that was created for him to better make wooden bowls and go turkey hunting. Kirk being able to only speak in 4 -5 word sentences at a time shared his story in front of an audience that attentively listened to every word he spoke. Kirk ended his story with a thank you for such a "Special Day."

It truly was a special day! Kirk found the perfect words to describe our Survivor Day. Another Hinds Feet Day program attendee and Thriver Drew Carter shared with us his story. After dropping some rhymes and sharing his heart to dance and work with children Drew left us with the charge to be persistent and always aim up. This charge may seem so simple, yet its profound. So long as you aim up, you don't look down and you are pressing on to new levels in your life.

Following Drew's charge to aim up, Joe Barrett who is on staff at Hinds Feet in Asheville and works as the Day Program Coordinator shared with us his story of receiving a mild TBI after a biking accident. Joe's story was uniquely presented as he shared his story through the eyes of his friends who were there throughout the accident and initial stages of recovery. Joe pointed out that there were incredible people along the way that did not even know him that advocated on his behalf. He pointed out that the human heart that is driven by compassion is truly beautiful and beyond comprehension. Joe stated that after he received his mild TBI he felt an urgency, a desire to live more because life clearly was not over for him. His charge to the TBI Thriver was to "live more because it isn't over!"

Our special Survivor Day came to a conclusion as our last featured guest Jashun Gaddy-Gaskin shared his story of pressing on despite his limitations. Jashun was in college when he had a brain aneurysm. Jashun shared that is was by the grace of God that his room mate was still there to find him after it occurred and to help him rush to the hospital. After Jashun endured his TBI he found himself limited, but chose to press on. He desired greatly to go back to ECU where he received the TBI to finish his degree that he began. After a lot of hard work and never giving up Jashun went back to ECU, graduated and found a job in his field. His face radiated the joy that his accomplishments and his faith brought forth.

One thing that each Thriver had in common other than a life changing traumatic event, was that each never gave up and refused to accept the limits that were placed upon them. These powerful stories were tremendously encouraging. Allow the success of others to motivate and grow a desire for success in your own circumstances no matter how great or how small. In the words of these great motivators, own your story,  never give up, press on, persevere, aim up, reach to the next level, move from Survivor to Thriver and share your story with others because everytime you encourage others with your story, it truly becomes a special day!

Written By: Jessica Felix Jager, MSW

1 comment:

  1. A very special day! So thankful to be present and participate. Hearing everyone's experiences has changed me forever. I feel part of a community for the first time since being injured. I am a TBI thriver! Thank you Will Boggs for suggesting this idea. Thank you to everyone who made it possible! I am looking forward to future events at TBI Hope. dc
